Archivo Platform and the Archivo Papers Journal are pleased to announce the 5th edition of the Reframing the Archive – International Conference on Photography and Visual Culture, 26-27 september 2024. Titled “Archival Practices in Contemporary Visual Arts: A Model and a Source”, the conference aims to gather contributions on archival art and archival research for contemporary art, considering them as two complementary aspects of a broad and complex field of investigation. On one hand, the archive serves as a structural model for artists from diverse backgrounds and engaged in various fields. On the other hand, authors’ archives provide essential resources for historiographical studies on contemporary art, offering valuable information and direct testimonies. This dual focus necessitates engagement not only with the present but also with a relatively short historical span.”
Nous présentons avec Gaëlle Morel (Curator, Exhibitions and Public Engagement, The Image Centre, Toronto Metropolitan University), une intervention consacrée à “’Susan Dobson Slide/Lecture. A Model and a (Res)source for Archival Critique in Contemporary Photography”.
Programme complet ici.
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Audrey Leblanc (9 juillet 2024). “Archival Practices in Contemporary Visual Arts. A Model and a Source”, Archivo, septembre 2024. Le Clin de l'oeil. Consulté le 13 septembre 2024 à l’adresse